Does Leg Pain Indicate Heart Problems? And Other Vein Care FAQs

Does leg pain indicate heart problems?
Leg pain can occur because of numerous reasons, such as overuse of muscles, underuse of muscles, heart problems, cardiovascular conditions, and vein conditions. In some cases, leg pain can indicate that an individual has a higher risk of developing peripheral artery disease (PAD), a medical condition wherein the accumulation of fatty deposits leads to the narrowing of arteries, which can eventually lead to strokes, heart conditions, and other problems.
Chronic venous insufficiency is another potential root cause of leg pain, especially if you experience persistent leg pain at night or after long periods of sitting or standing still. Venous insufficiency is a medical condition wherein your vein valves collapse, and blood flows backward to accumulate in the leg veins, eventually leading to vascular dilation, spider veins, and varicose veins. Persistent leg pain is one of the early warning signs of chronic venous insufficiency.
Since leg pain can occur for numerous reasons, people often misattribute it to heart problems, aging, or exhaustion. If your leg pain is caused by underlying vein disease, you may also experience restless leg syndrome, leg heaviness, frequent leg cramps, and leg swelling, especially at the end of the day or after long periods of inactivity. Spider veins and varicose veins are the clearest and most obvious signs of chronic venous insufficiency.
When you experience leg pain and the other signs and symptoms of vein disease, you must contact a reliable medical center for vein treatment in New Jersey. We have numerous state-of-the-art offices for vein treatment in New Jersey, including Paramus, Clifton, and Woodland Park. Our vein doctors use cutting-edge diagnostic technologies to diagnose the root cause of your leg pain and curate a personalized vein treatment plan.
Please schedule an appointment for your spider and varicose vein treatment in New Jersey.
When should I be concerned about leg pain?
Mild leg pain can happen for numerous reasons, such as the overuse of muscles, underuse of muscles, physical exhaustion, and other factors. But if you have persistent leg pain that gradually worsens with time, you should be concerned. Furthermore, if the symptoms of leg pain worsen at the end of the day or after long periods of sitting or standing, or if you also have other signs and symptoms of vein disease, such as leg heaviness, restless leg syndrome, and leg cramps, you should definitely contact a reliable vein doctor in New Jersey.
Why do my legs ache every night? Why do legs ache at night?
If you have aching sensations and leg pain at night, you may have underlying vascular conditions. The symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, such as leg pain, leg heaviness, and leg cramps, worsen at night or after long periods of inactivity. When you sit or stand still for long periods, blood flows backward due to gravity and accumulates in your leg veins, eventually leading to leg pain and leg heaviness. As such, if your symptoms flare up at night, there’s a strong chance you have underlying chronic venous insufficiency.

Do you have any symptoms? Consult now with one of the Best Vein Specialist in New Jersey
How do I get my legs to stop aching?
If your leg pain is potentially caused by underlying vein disease, you need to engage in activities that improve blood flow to the heart. Vein disease occurs when the collapse of vein valves leads to backward blood circulation and the accumulation of blood in leg veins. You can’t do anything to fix the vein valves — the only way to treat vein disease is through minimally invasive vein treatments at a reliable vein doctor’s office. But you can push some of the accumulated blood towards the heart and prevent the condition from worsening.
The following are some lifestyle changes to reduce the symptoms of vein disease:
- Wear compression stockings to push accumulated blood towards the heart
- Engage in cardiovascular exercises, such as running, swimming, and cycling, that improve blood circulation towards the heart and reduce the accumulation of blood in leg veins
- Elevate your legs while sitting down to push the accumulated blood to the heart
- Don’t sit or stand still for long periods of time — take short breaks to walk around
Who should I consult if I have the signs of vein disease?
If you have the signs and symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, please visit our state-of-the-art medical centers for vein treatment in New Jersey. We have well-appointed vein treatment centers in Paramus, Clifton, and Woodland Park, and all of our medical centers are led by highly-skilled, board-certified vein doctors. Our vein doctors use cutting-edge techniques to diagnose the root cause of your vein problems and curate a personalized vein treatment plan for you, ensuring safe, consistent, and long-lasting results.
What happens during a vascular consultation?
New Jersey Vein Treatment believes in offering highly personalized vein treatments, which can only be done after a thorough consultation. During your vascular condition, the vein doctor will carefully examine your leg veins, discuss your goals and symptoms, review your medical history, and curate a personalized vein treatment plan. We only offer minimally invasive vein treatments, such as radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser ablation, and sclerotherapy, because they conclude within an hour and don’t involve downtime. Please schedule an appointment to alleviate leg pain and initiate vein treatment in New Jersey.
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