What are Varicose Veins and Spider Veins?

What are Varicose Veins?
A varicose vein is an enlarged blood vessel that is dilated by elevated pressure in the vein. Chronic Venous Insufficiency, a disorder in which venous valves malfunction, allows retrograde blood flow, causing blood to collect beneath the faulty valve rather than flowing toward the heart. The vein becomes varicose (abnormally swollen) to accommodate the accumulation.
Varicosities have a distinctive ropelike, twisted appearance. They often protrude at the surface of your skin with a bold purple, blue, or green coloration. While varicose veins are common, they aren’t healthy or efficient and they signify impaired circulation.

What Is a Spider Vein?
Like varicose veins, spider veins develop when blood accumulates in veins because of venous insufficiency. They’re smaller than varicose veins and form in clusters spreading outward from an overburdened vein. Spider veins are non-viable vessels that branch off to contain excess blood, rather than pumping it to its destination.
Genetics are often linked to spider veins, as are pregnancy, hormone shifts, weight gain, aging, and sedentary lifestyles. Spider veins are weblike in their appearance, with a red, blue, or purple hue. While they don’t bulge like varicose veins, you can often see them just beneath your skin.
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Vein Disease Symptoms

Rеѕtlеѕѕ lеgѕ ѕуndrоmе (RLS)
RLS prompts patients to get up and move around, often when they’re trying to relax. While inactivity can aggravate symptoms, those whose RLS worsens after a busy day might have underlying vein disease. Venous insufficiency is a chronic issue for many people, in which the accumulation of blood in their veins prompts restless sensations in their legs. Seeking New Jersey vein treatment is the best way to address both vein damage and the symptoms of RLS.

It’s common to consider exercise, dehydration, or injury as a source of leg cramps. But when cramping persists despite adequate fluid intake and healthy living, it’s time to investigate your circulation. Chronic venous insufficiency is an underdiagnosed issue that often causes leg cramps. When a valve fails inside a vein, blood pressure builds, causing everything from cramping to swelling and discoloration. Don’t ignore persistent leg cramps. Seek NJ vein treatment to relieve them.

Do your legs feel heavier at the end of the day? Do you see varicose or spider veins at the surface of your skin? These two things are correlated in patients with chronic venous insufficiency.
Vein disease is the most common impetus for heavy legs. If heaviness occurs after sitting or standing for long periods of time, or after heat exposure, it’s likely linked to your circulation. Patients at our NJ vein treatment center are thrilled to learn that vein treatment also alleviates the heaviness in their legs.

Several things cause swelling in your legs, including excess sodium intake, kidney failure, and heart problems. What many patients don’t know is that vein disease is also a common cause of swollen legs. With venous insufficiency, you might experience swelling in one or both legs, unlike some causes which always impact both limbs. Vein-related swelling tends to worsen as the day goes on, or when you’ve been inactive for a while. Throughout the day, more blood collects in your veins, especially if you’re sedentary, causing both venous swelling and swelling in your lower extremities.
Are you experiencing painful or uncomfortable vein disease symptoms?
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Causes of Vein Disease

Varicose veins are large and excessively dilated blood vessels prone to bursting, leading to profuse bleeding. Besides the varicose veins, you may also experience leg heaviness, restless legs, leg swelling, throbbing leg veins, frequent leg cramps, skin discoloration, the formation of non-healing wounds on your legs (leg ulcers), or the formation of blood clots in your leg veins (deep vein thrombosis).
Varicose veins can be treated with surgical or minimally-invasive procedures. However, you should only consult vein centers that provide minimally invasive varicose vein treatments because they’re safer and more effective. Radiofrequency and laser ablation ate the best treatments for varicose veins, and they involve using heat to seal the diseased vein’s walls. Your vein doctor may also inject a special solution into the varicose veins to seal their walls, making them eventually shrink and fade away from the body.

Venous insufficiency is a common medical condition that causes backwards blood flow in your veins, leading to blood accumulation in your leg veins.
In healthy veins, the vein valves act as one-way doors to allow blood to flow towards the heart, but not backward due to gravity. However, several factors lead to the gradual weakening of your vein valves, such as age, hormonal changes, weight gain, etc. If your vein valves malfunction, gravity forces blood to flow backward and accumulate in your leg veins. Venous insufficiency is more common in women, individuals past their middle ages, and those with a sedentary lifestyle.
Spider veins and varicose veins are the most common symptoms of venous insufficiency. You may also experience restless legs, leg heaviness, leg swelling, or frequent leg cramps.
Is a medical procedure thаt involves the injection оf a medicine called a sclerosant іnto a veіn.
Is a Mеdісаrе-apprоvеd, minimally invаѕіvе tесhnіquе for eliminating unhealthy veins.
Iѕ one of several technologies used to treat vein disease, аlѕо knоwn as Chrоnіс Venous Insufficiency.
Is the latest endovascular treatment for Vein Disease & Chronic Venous Insufficiency.
Is a ѕаfе аnd effective trеаtmеnt for vаrісоѕе vеіnѕ.
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