A Comprehensive Guide to Varicose Vein Treatment Near NJ

Step 1: Schedule a consultation at the right vein clinic and request free insurance verification.
Your varicose vein treatment in NJ starts before your actual appointment — it starts from the selection process. You must consult vein doctors at reputable, state-of-the-art, and accredited vein centers of excellence. Vein Treatment Clinic has exceptional vein centers in Clifton and Paramus led by the country’s most reputable vascular surgeons. Our vein clinic in Clifton is located at 1117 US-46 Suite 205, right off NJ-3 and past the Ford dealership on route 46-E. Our vein clinic in Paramus is located at 140 NJ-17 #103, a short distance from the Paramus Park Mall. Both vein clinics have plenty of parking spaces. We encourage you to schedule a consultation online and request free insurance verification for your treatment.
Step 2: Initial consultation with the vein doctors.
During your initial consultation, our vein doctors will carefully examine your leg veins, discuss your symptoms, and review your medical history. The physical examination will involve a careful inspection of your spider veins and varicose veins. The vein specialists will ask if you experience leg heaviness, restless leg syndrome, leg pain, leg swelling, and frequent leg cramps — the most common signs and symptoms of vein disease. They’ll also review your medical history to determine the likelihood of venous insufficiency.
The primary goal of the initial consultation is to determine the risk of chronic venous insufficiency, the medical condition responsible for most vein problems. Instead of simply treating the visible spider veins and varicose veins, we always investigate the root cause of your vein problems to provide lasting relief. Most medical centers have a high rate of vein disease recurrence because they provide cosmetic treatments without diagnosing the chronic venous insufficiency. We follow a comprehensive vein care approach to ensure optimal results.
Step 3: Advanced vascular imaging tests to diagnose vein disease.
We administer advanced vascular imaging tests, like Doppler Ultrasound, to conclusively determine if you have chronic venous insufficiency. Duplex Ultrasound projects a visual of the blood circulation in your leg veins on a computer screen. Backward blood circulation and accumulated blood in the leg veins indicate venous insufficiency, which, in turn, allows us to curate the ideal vein treatment plan. The vascular imaging results also support your insurance claims, minimizing your out-of-pocket financial burden.

Do you have any symptoms? Consult now with one of the Best Vein Specialist in New Jersey
Step 4: Collaborative vein treatment planning.
The vein specialists at VTC collaboratively discuss your vein treatment options. They recommend the ideal vein treatments based on your diagnosis, cosmetic goals, insurance coverage options, and medical history. We provide the pros, cons, and costs of all vein treatments, giving you all the information you need to make an informed decision. Furthermore, the insurance concierge provides a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with all vein treatment options with and without insurance coverage. We curate a personalized vein treatment plan accordingly.
Step 5: Primary vein treatment for the underlying chronic venous insufficiency.
If you have underlying chronic venous insufficiency, your vein treatment starts with radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser ablation, or VenaSeal. These are the most effective, comfortable, and convenient minimally invasive vein treatments. They use different methodologies to accomplish the same underlying goal — removing the diseased saphenous vein responsible for your vein problems. Once the diseased vein is removed or neutralized, the accumulated blood can reroute to healthier leg veins and restore effective blood circulation to the heart.
Radiofrequency ablation and laser ablation are similar in execution — both of them are endovenous ablative procedures. The vein doctor makes a small incision on the skin’s surface after delivering local anesthesia. The incision is an entry point for a catheter or endovenous laser, driven into the diseased saphenous vein under ultrasound guidance. Once lodged in place, the catheter or endovenous laser delivers thermal or laser energy to collapse the diseased vein. The accumulated blood reroutes to healthier veins.
VenaSeal is a medical-grade adhesive that’s recently received FDA approval for vein treatments. The vein doctor injects the medical adhesive into the diseased saphenous vein to fuse its walls, turning it into a hardened tissue that eventually gets absorbed by the body. The accumulated blood reroutes to healthier veins. This method is extremely effective and only involves an injection. However, it’s not yet covered by all insurance plans because it’s a relatively new procedure.
Step 6: Cosmetic vein treatment for the varicose veins and spider veins.
Ambulatory phlebectomy and sclerotherapy are the best cosmetic vein treatments for superficial varicose veins and spider veins. These vein treatments are suitable for patients who have already undergone the primary vein treatment or don’t have underlying venous insufficiency. Ambulatory phlebectomy involves the physical extraction of superficial varicose veins through incisions on the skin’s surface. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a sclerosant medicine into the spider veins, turning them into hardened tissues eventually absorbed by the body.
Step 7: Discussion of your post-treatment recovery guidelines and aftercare.
Our vein specialists will discuss your post-treatment recovery guidelines and allow you to resume all your daily activities immediately. You’ll be advised to avoid lifting heavy objects for a few days, and you’ll have to wear compression stockings for a few weeks. Other than those minor requirements, you can proceed with your daily activities without major changes. Our vascular surgeons also stay in touch to ensure you have a smooth recovery process without harsh side effects or complications.
NJ Vein Doctors
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